Logistics Safety and
Quality Assurance
At the Nippon Soda Group, to ensure the safe and stable delivery of products to our customers, we work to minimize distribution risks and prevent any logistics accidents in advance. Furthermore, by providing environments in which customers can use our high-quality products and services in a safe manner and with peace of mind, we are striving to improve customer satisfaction.
- Reduction of the risk of hazards, toxicity and accidents during transportation of products. Ensuring the safety of our customers, those involved in the distribution process and local residents, and protect the environment.
- Provision of information that helps customers use high-quality products safely, comfortably and in a stable manner.
Logistics Safety
Measures to ensure safe transportation of dangerous goods
Logistics risk assessment
The Nippon Soda Group takes measures to reduce risks from various perspectives to prevent accidents involving workers and products caused by traffic accidents during forklift loading, unloading and trans-shipment of products, as well as during truck transportation.
Promotion of Yellow Card1 and Container Yellow Card (product labels)2
The Nippon Soda Group promotes the use of Yellow Cards and Container Yellow Cards mainly for products that are classified as hazardous materials. Product labels are revised to reflect the latest legal information, including revisions to relevant laws, in a timely manner. We appropriately implement wording that complies with GHS3 requirements and appropriate pictograms and take other measures so that we are prepared in event of a disaster to respond quickly to prevent damage from spreading.
- 1 A Yellow Card is an emergency information card with information about procedures that drivers, fire and police personnel, and other concerned parties should take in the event of a spill, fire, explosion or other incidents during transportation. It also contains emergency contacts. The issuance and carrying of Yellow Cards is required by the Poisonous and Deleterious Substances Control Law and other laws.
- 2 A Container Yellow Card is a label that is affixed to containers with the United Nations number and guide number defined by the Emergency Response Guidebook.
- 3 Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS): A system for the international standardization of classification and labeling of chemicals, which was agreed upon by the United Nations Economic and Social Council. It is a system of international hazard classification standards and labeling methods (product labeling and SDS) for chemical hazards.
Logistics safety in value chains
Proposals for improvement of customers’ facilities
In the event that there is a problem with the safety of the transport company or the customer’s workers at the customer’s product receiving facility, or if there is a potential risk of foreign matter entering the facility or spills, the Nippon Soda Group makes proposals for improvement and works to prevent accidents and disasters.
Quality Assurance
Efforts to ensure quality management
Quality risk assessment
Nippon Soda actively engages in quality risk assessment with the goal of preventing the occurrence of productrelated complaints and the recurrence of such complaints. We make continuous efforts to identify qualityrelated risks from each manufacturing site and reduce the risks, especially the high-risk A and B grades.
Efforts to achieve zero product-related complaints
To eliminate product-related complaints, we conduct quality risk assessments to identify and reduce risks. We are also working to reduce product-related complaints due to human error through human error prevention training for employees.

Number of product-related complaints
(Achievement levels ◎:≥ 90% ○:80-90% △:60-80% ×: ≤ 60%)
1. Logistics-related complaints: Target: Zero events | Achievement level ◎:Zero events |
2. Product-related complaints:Target: 20% annual reduction in number of complaints | Achievement level ◎:Two events (75% reduction over the previous year) |
To reduce logistics- and product-related complaints, we constantly improve our activities to ensure logistics safety and quality assurance, including inspections and audits of logistics companies, risk assessment, and implementation of measures to prevent human error.